Orvieto Duomo Cheat Sheet

Commissioned by Urban IV, but first stone laid by Nicholas IV on Nov 13, 1290. It commemorates Miracle at Bolsena in 1263 -- Communion wafer bleeds on the altar cloth (il Corporale) proving the dogma of transubstantiation to a German Monk.

Started in Romanesque, but switched to Gothic style. Technically, the Duomo is incomplete and still under construction.

Architects/Master builders:

Unknown -- 1290

Lorenzo Maitani followed by his son Vitale -- 1310-1331

Andrea Pisano -- 1331-45

Nino Pisano -- 1349-?

Andrea di Cecco da Sienna -- 1356-59

Andrea Orcagna -- 1359-?

Michaele Sammicheli 1509-25

(Gaps indicate halts in construction or unknown masters)

Façade: (not completed until 17th Century) Begun by Lorenzo Maitani.

Bas-Reliefs on lower pilasters: by L. Maitani, V, Maitani, Nicholas and Meo Muti (Creation, Abraham and David, Life of Christ, Last Judgement, Hell and Paradise.)

Main Door Lunette: Madonna by Andrea Pisano, bronze Angels and symbols of Evangelists by L. Maitani.

Rose window by Orcagni.

Mosaics: modern reproductions -- unknown.

Main doors -- bronze -- Emilio Grecco (1963-65)

Main Door Lunette -- Madonna by Andrea Pisano,

Bronze angels and symbols if evangelists by L. Maitani

South doors -- Porta Postieri (unknown)

North doors -- Porta di Canonica -- Fresco by Andrea di Giovanni

Porta del Corporale -- three statues by Andrea Pisano

Interior: Nave: stoup (basin) by Antonio Federighi (1435)

Font (1402-7)

Fresco near font -- Madonna by Gentile di Fabriano (1426)

North aisle:

Three 16th Century stoups

East Bay -- baroque statues including Pieta of Ippolito Scalza (1574)

North Transept -- Sculptured altarpiece by Simone Mosca and Raffaelo Montelupo (1542)

Chapel of the Corporale --

Heavily restored frescoes by Ugolino di Prete Ilario (1357-64)

Painted panel -- Madonna dei Raccomandati by Lippo Memmi (1339)

Tabernacle by Niccolo da Sienna incorporates Reliquary if the Corporale by Ugolino di Vieri da Sienna (1331-41)

Choir -- frescoes by Ugolino di Viera -- carved and inlaid stalls by Giovanni Ammannati (et al.) da Sienna (1331-41) -- east window by Giovanni di Bonino (1325-34)

South Transept -- Altar of the Magi (1415-?) by Sammicheli -- reliefs by Raphaelo and Francesco da Montelupo

Chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio

Begun by Fra Angelico (1447) but incomplete when he was called back to Rome -- Fra Angelico Frescoes: The Savior in Glory (Angel Choirs by Benozzo Gozzoli) and the Prophets.

Completed by Luca Signorelli (1499-1504): "End of Days" Fresco Cycle: Sermon by Antichrist (Signorelli painted himself and Fra Angellico Among the listeners) -- Judgement Day -- Resurrection of the Body -- The Good Ushered into Heaven -- The Evil Driven into Hell. Portrait medallions of poets: Homer, Dante, Ovid, Lucan, Empedocles. Signorelli's Pieta

The 13th century altar painting (unknown painter) is the Madonna of San Brizio