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Images, Unit 18 --
Ancient Greece 2
Life -- Classical Greece
There really was no such thing as a typical Greek about
whom we could structure a Classical Greek daily
life. We know mostly about Athenians and copiers
of Athenians because it was mostly Athenians and
their copiers who produced the art, records,and
literature (mostly plays) from which we draw our
knowledge. And most of what we have is concerned
with the higher income groups
who wrote and commissioned others to write and to make
art. (We
know something about slaves because slaves were
often depicted serving the rich, but very little art
or written work shows non slave members of the lower
classes; they weren't considered worthy subjects
about whom to write or to paint/sculpt/etc.
follows are some glimpses of
some lives leaving out some things that
were covered in earlier lessons:
drama, temple activities,
philosophy, wars.
