Participate! --- Contact Ms. Anna Taggiasco, Gruppo Archeologico English Program, 06-39737703, for full program and fee schedule.
Rome Through the Centuries, Spring 2002
Background material keyed to topics to be covered in the Rome Through the Centuries course of the English Programme of the GARNicole Fuget Wednesdays 10 AM February 6 through June 12, 2002
Ms. Nicole Fuget (center) with Rome Through the Centuries participants at rooftop level in Ostia Antica.
Book Recommendation: Pilgrimage: A Chronicle of Christianity Through the Churches of Rome, by June Hagar, provides much useful information on Churches included in the Rome Through the Centuries itinerary. It is Available in some local bookstores and through and PilgrimageInternet sites of general use to participants: Pilgrimage
Ancient Rome -- Topographical Dictionary*************************
Archeology Links
Architecture LinksArt History:
ART HISTORY RESOURCES ON THE WEB: ContentsThe Catholic Encyclopedia
Art History Webmasters ASSOCIATION
Gateway to Art History
Index of artists and architects
OCAIW: Orazio Centaro's Art Images Web -- sculpture, architecture, etc.
Vassari: Lives
World Wide Arts Resources
Church/Religions Links
Churches of Rome
History Source books
Indice Monumenti Antichi e Aree Archeologiche -- Roma
Jubilee Links
Literature and eTexts
Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome
Medieval History Links
Mythology Links
Palaces of Rome - by Italian Tourist Web Guide
POPES -- Catholic Encyclopedia
Renaissance to Modern -- TeachernetRoman Churches:
Rome Churches -- RomeToursVitruvius on Architecture -- LacusCurtius
Rome Churches -- RomeGuide
Rome Churches -- Thayer
Basilicas and Churches - Italian Culture Net Links
Western Civilization Links
February 6 -- Middle Ages on the Nose
M.P.: GAR, Via degli Scipione, 30/AHildegard Links
Labyrinth/Medieval: Georgetown
Medievale Archeologicia
Medieval Atlas --
Medieval/Classical Library (DL SunSITE)
Medieval History Site Map - Medieval History
Medieval Italy --
Medieval Sourcebook: Selected Sources
Medioevo in Rete
Ravensgard Medieval Cultures
February 13 -- Noble families, noble palaces: Palazzo Pecci Bluntmmdtkw dean - wukitsch -- January 2002
M.P.: Piazza d'Ara Coeli, 3Palazzo Pecci BluntFebruary 20 -- The Trident: Museum in the Open and Three Piazza del Popolo churches
Palazzo Pecci Blunt (Valadier)
Anna Laetitia Pecci Blunt
Taddeo Zuccari and Federico Zuccari
More on Zuccarii - Italian
PHOTO Roma [Archivio]
Overhead View of the Palazzo area
M.P.: Santa Maria del PopoloPopolo Project
Popolo -- Thais.It
Rome turns city center into 'open-air museum'
Piazza del Popolo
Piazza del Popolo __ RomeArtLover
Small evening view-ground level
Overhead views, Popolo -- 31-39
Overhead Trident
February 28, 3:30 PM -- I Pinturichio in Palazzo dei Penitenzieri, with rooms painted by Francesco Salviati
M.P.: Hotel Columbus, Via della Concilazione, 33Palazzo Penitenzieri
Palazzo dei Penitenzieri
Le Sedi
Index-Order of Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
History - Order of Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
US-Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem--North Central Lieutenancy, USA
Pinturicchio Biography -- Catholic Encyclopedia
Salviati: A Tale of an Unknown Mannerist -- IHT
March 6 -- Monte di Pieta
M.P.: Piazza Monte di PietaA "monte" was a "heap" or "mound" or "amount" of money with a purpose. There were "montes secularis" and, later, "montes pietatis" -- funds set aside or "piled up" for secular or "pious" purposes. Some of the "montes" were endowed, some were supported by governments (either by taxes or from general funds), and some by organizations (e.g., guilds, fraternities, or confraternities. Fraternities, by the way, were set up to benefit their own members, while confraternities were membership organizations that were supposed to benefit persons other than the members.)Visit cancelled -- Palazzo Braschi remains closedIn gambling you could bet against part of the "monte" (the total that all players had piled in the middle of the table) or against "tutti il monte", i.e., "the full monti".
Similar terminology was involved in the governance of tontines, some of which provided for division of the "monte" among survivors after a certain number of years, others for decisions on whether to divide after a certain number of years had elapsed, and finally, some which continued until only one of the contracting members survived to receive "tutti il monte".
Monte, mountain, mound, amount (latin: ad montis) are, of course, all cognates.
Those Italian Monte Bonds (HO?)
Palazzo e Cappella del Monte di Pieta'
Palazzo del Monte di Pieta' H21
Overhead Photo -- S.Carlo ai Catinari (center), Pal. Monte di Pieta (upper left)March 6 -- Palazzo Braschi Museum of Rome reopensM.P.: Piazza San Pantaleo, 10Note: The Palazzo Braschi Museum, after several years of false starts, finally reopened on May 4, 2002.Storia di Palazzo BraschiOverhead view Palazzo BraschiAbcRoma Museums in Rome - Museum of Rome in Braschi PalaceLUIGI BRASCHI ONESTILuigi Braschi-OnestiPius VI -- CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIAG.ValadierL.AcquistiC.Morelli
March 13 -- Santa Maria dell' Anima
M.P.: Piazza della PaceCATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: College and Church of the Anima (In Rome)Visit cancelled -- S. Maria della Pace remains closed
Church of S. Maria dell' Anima ï Examples of Kitsch
Overhead view (shallow peaked roof, campanile with "German" spire)
S. Maria dell' Anima -- cnyborg
Monastero dei Canonici Lateranensi e Chiesa di S. Maria della Pace
Chiesa di S.Maria dell'Anima H51aMarch 13 -- Santa Maria della Pace reopensM.P.: Via della Pace, front of ChurchSanta Maria della Pace -- cnyborgIl complesso monumentale di Santa Maria della PaceHistory of Baroque Architecture : S. Maria della Pace (Facade)History of Renaissance Architecture: S. Maria della Pace (Cloister)Overhead view (with octagonal dome)S. Maria della Pace -- Romartlover
March 20 -- Villa Wolkonski
M.P.: Gate of the VillaGuided Tour of the Villa -- UK Embassy siteVisit cancelled -- Museum not available
LacusCurtius ï The Caelian Hill (Platner & Ashby, 1929)
Villa Wolkonsky L6
LacusCurtius ï Arcus Neroniani (Platner & Ashby, 1929)
LacusCurtius ï The Caelian Hill (Platner & Ashby, 1929)
Nero's aqueduct
Aqueduct -- PiranesiMarch 20 -- Palazzo Barberini National Gallery and private appartmentsM.P.: Via Barberini, 13April 10 -- Boromini and Bernini side by side Carlino and S. Andrea al QuirinalSito Ufficiale Galleria Barberini - Le collezioniNational Gallery of Antique Art -- AbcRomaPiazza BarberiniThe coat of arms in Palazzo BarberiniBarberini Bees -- TKWTHE SUN OF THE BARBERINIDivine Providence (Palazzo Barberini ceiling fresco)Popolo Project Images, External (continues on next page)Rubens ArtSurvey Images, internal (continues on next page)Palazzo BarberiniPalazzo incantato, Il (The Enchanted Palace)Pal. Barberini -- Overhead View
M.P.: Piazza delle Quattro FontaneSan CarloSan Carlo alle Quattro Fontane -- cnyborgSan Andrea
S. Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane - Frencesco Borromini - Great Buildings Online
S. Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane 3D Models - Great Buildings Online
S.Carlo Images -- Popolo Project Facade Image
Plan of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
Plan with Cloister
San Carlo -- internal downward view from cupola
Chiesa di S.Carlo alle Quattro FontaneS. Andrea al Quirinale -- Koskimies
S. Andrea al Quirinale -- cnyborg
S. Andrea al Quirinale - Plan
Sant'Andrea al Quirinale - Bernini - Great Buildings Online
Sant'Andrea al Quirinale 3D Models - Great Buildings Online
Images of S. Andrea -- Sullivan, Bluffton
S. Andrea al Quirinale -- Gwynne
S. Andrea images -- Popolo Project
S. Andrea al Quirinale
S. Andrea -- Baroque beginnings (continues next page)
S. Stanislao KostkaApril 17 -- Contemporaries or students of two great rivals: Churches of S. Carlo ai Catinari & S. Barbara dei Librai
M.P.: Piazza Cairoli, front of S. CarloS. Carlo ai CatinariSan Carlo ai Catinari -- cnyborgS. Barbara dei Librai
Carlo ai Catinari -- Romeartlover
Carlo images -- Popolo Project
Overhead View (w/S.Andrea de la Valle, background)Chiese, Roma, Medio Evo (Hülsen)
S. Barbara, Facade
Armellini ï Le Chiese di Roma ó Rione Regola
Santa Barbara dei Librari -- cnyborg
Overhead View -- left apex of small triangular piazza, upper right
Interior view
Filetti di Baccala
April 23, 4:45 PM -- Noble families and Palaces: Palazzo Pamphilj
M.P.: Piazza Navona, front of the PalazzoBrasil Embassy web siteMay 15 -- Counter Reformation austerity and baroque sobriety: Chiesa Nuova and Boromini's OratorioPalazzo PamphiliPiazza Navona -- Vasi Drawing (ca 1750)
Pal. Pamphili -- La Storia
External Pictures (Before and After Restauration)
Sala Palestrina
Galleria Cortona
Descrizione del Palazzo
Overhead view (w/Palazzo Braschi and S. Agnese)
Donna Olimpia and Ponte Sisto
Palazzo Pamphili
Pal. Pamphili
M.P.: Piazza della Chiesa NuovaChiesa Nuova web siteMay 22 -- Counter Reformation and Baroque Excesses: Oratorio del Crocifisso, Santi ApostoliChiesa Nuova - introductionLa Chiesa Nuova -- June Hagar
Chiesa Nuova - brief history
Plan and Virtual Tour
Chiesa Nuova -- cnyborg
Chiesa Nuova
Maria Valicella -- Popolo Project (continues next page)
Chiesa di S.Maria della Vallicella o Chiesa Nuova
Overhead View (Front)
Overhead View (from rear) -- note Borromini's Orologio tower
Oratorio Filippino o del Borromini
Musical Forms - Oratorio
Fountain called "la Terrina"
M.P.: Piazza del OratorioOratorio del CrocifissoMay 29 -- Day to day life: Museo di Roma, Trastevere and the Popes' PharmacyOratoria del Crocifisso -- CnyborgSanti Apostoli
ScarlattiSanti Apostoli -- cnyborg
Ss. Apostoli -- Mapping Kempe
M.P.: Piazza S. Egidio, 1/bMuseu di RomaJune 5 -- House of Norwegian-American Artist Hendrick Christian AndersonRoma Cultura - Musei - Museo del Folklore
Trastevere (Museum and Pharmacy)Museu di Roma web site
Le collezioni
Le collezioni: Dipinti
Le collezioni: Scene romane
Scena romana della farmacia
Temi e opere
Spezieria di S. Maria della Scalla
New Pharmacy (Starts just below mid-page)
L'erboristeria Carmelitana
L'erboristeria - storia
Acqua della Scala
M.P.: Via P. St. Mancini, 20Dec 2001 - Mar 2002 ExhibitionJune 12 -- Arte and dolce vita: De Chirico house to Via Veneto
Villa Helene (2/3 down the page)
Anderson (sic) -- project for family tomb
Andersen Exhibit 2001 -- Figure e paesaggi tra Italia e Stati Uniti
James/Andersen -- An Eccentric Sculptor's Fantasies -- IHT (06/03/00)
James/Andersen relationship -- Knitting Circle Henry James
James/Andersen (Second letter)
M.P.: Piazza di Spagna, 31De ChiricoDe ChiricoVia Veneto
Museum-House De Chirico
de Chirico --
Chirico -- surreale
Apartmnt -- Country Life, UK
De Chirico Rediscovered -- la Repubblica
De Chirico Metaphysical Gallery
De Chirico index
De Chirico -- ArtcyclopediaBattle of Vittorio Veneto
Museum of Vittorio Veneto Battle