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Roman Egypt
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Alexander apparently had better organizational skill than his
opponents, and therefore beat the tar out of them. One
of the characteristics that set him apart from leaders of
other countries was decisiveness, and he followed that with
speed of action. His staff and soldiers put up with his
demands because early on they realized that they produced
quick victories and plenty of loot. He died young, at a
little less than 33 in 323 BC, but he actually surpassed
the average terminal age of his time and place, which was
about 30 -- infection took out just about everyone.
Alex didn't conquer the known world as we often hear, but he
did get pretty much of what was "civilized". Civilized
can be literally translated as "citified", and cities were
"where the money was". (Bank robber Willie Sutton, by
the way, always maintained that he never said that about why
he robbed banks.) Alexander always had to conquer the
next town to pay off his army. The route map of his
conquests is apparently accurate, and he left towns named
after himself all along the way. When he died (323 BC),
his generals fought amongst themselves for decades. But
the borders of their domains were mostly settled by 310
BC. Three major Hellenistic kingdoms had emerged, and
they maintained a precarious balance of power until the Roman
conquests of the second and first centuries BC: Egypt, ruled
by Ptolemy and his successors; Asia, comprising most of the
remaining provinces of the Persian empire and held together
with great difficulty by the dynasty founded by Seleucus; and
Macedonia and Greece, ruled by the descendants of Antigonus
the One-Eyed. The Antigonids in Macedonia followed the
model of Alexander's father Philip in posing as national kings
chosen by the army, the Ptolemies ruled Egypt as divine
pharaohs, and some of the Seleucids became deified "saviors"
and "benefactors." Ptolemaic and Seleucid administrations were
centralized in bureaucracies staffed by Greeks, an arrangement
that created a vast gulf between rulers and ruled.
When Alexander
arrived, he was received as a liberator of Egypt: nobody liked
the oppressive rule of the Persians who had taken control of
Egypt for the second time shortly before Alexander marched his
troops around the eastern end of the Mediterranean.
He "inherited" the Egyptian physical and political landscape
and soon had himself declared Pharaoh and added a Macedonian
Greek administrative layer to the top of the pre-existing
structure. The main purpose of that structure was to
extract taxes and customs duties (in his new port city,
Alexandria) to finance his new adventures further to the
east. Within a short time, he marched back out leaving
his representatives in charge. The Egyptian power
structure saw that there was money to be made by everyone, so
they didn't resist.
Like any good politician, Alexander was a chameleon who could
take on whatever image pleased the local population.
The size of Ptolemaic "Egypt" fluctuated somewhat as the
power struggle continued for several decades after Alexander's
death. At the beginning, however, that is, when
Alexander marched eastward, his western Mediterranean
conquests were left in charge of the new Macedonian-Egyptian
bureaucracy. Alexander's conquest had been swift.
He arrived at Pelusium at the eastern edge of the Nile delta
in October of 332 after a one week forced march down of 130
miles down the Levantine coast. The city was heavily
fortified, but it surrendered immediately without a
fight. The people had already ousted the Persians. He
then marched right across the delta (again with no
resistance), and, in short order, he had founded
Alexandria. Egyptian cities down the Nile didn't even
need his presence to surrender. It's recorded that he
visited Thebes (Luxor), he probably saw the pyramids, may have
taken a Nile cruise -- more as a visiting monarch on a
progress than as a general leading a conquering army. He
was proclaimed pharaoh -- but no coronation is recorded -- and
then left and eventually died on the road.
[P.S. -- Why is Egypt in quotation marks above? Because
Egypt rightfully became "Egypt" only when the Macedonian,
Greek, Ptolemaic bureaucracy named it that. In fact,
except when they now speak our language, it's never been "Egypt" to
any "Egyptian". I suppose that's OK, because they call
us "al-wilayaat al-mutahida", the first word, used in the
plural, is derived from a Turkic political unit (like, for
example, a "state") and the second means, in Arabic, "made
one", i.e., "united".]
Alexander's plan was to use Egypt as a forward base for his
further conquests and to have Alexandria as his port. He
had taken the Phoenician ports from the Persians, who had
conquered them a few years earlier, but he wanted a port
inside his own lines and firmly under the control of his own
customs bureaucracy. (He also wanted to use Egyptian
agriculture to supply food to his forces, but he quickly
outran his logistics train and his army lived off the newly
conquered lands. There had been Egyptian Mediterranean
trade for years before the Greeks arrived, but entry into the
delta mouths of the Nile was always hazardous due to shifting
sand bars. Alexandria had a natural harbor protected by
the permanent Pharos Island, but with no
connection to the Nile. The Greeks, using Egyptian
labor, of course, improved the harbor and dug a canal
connecting its commercial side to the Nile.
Modern Alexandria stretches 20 miles westward along the
Mediterranean coast starting at the western side if the Nile
delta. Ancient Alexandria was a much smaller fortified
town on the coast just behind Pharos Island. The Greeks
built a causeway to the Island and thereby separated the
Eastern and western halves of the port area. Breakwaters
further enclosed what now had become two separate ports, the
eastern one becoming the royal government port and the western
becoming the commercial port. As can be seen from the
satellite images, they are still the same apart from the
widening of the "heptastadion" causeway. Lake Meriotis, behind
Alexandria has also shrunk due to landfill.
The modern eastern harbor hides much of the district
that housed the palaces and their precincts. Earthquakes
over the centuries have dropped the harbor floor more than 20
feet. Recent underwater searches have yielded some finds
that are now in the Alexandria and National museums, but there
is just too much to raise. The solution is an underwater
archeological park -- no diving without a guide.
lighthouse on the Pharos Island was one of the seven ancient
Greek "theamata". That word translates as spectacles or
"spectaculars" or "must sees", but we call them the seven
"Wonders of the World", a widely-known list of remarkable man
made constructions of classical antiquity. It was based on
guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes
works located around the Mediterranean rim. (Fires and
earthquakes have brought down six of the "theamata" leaving only
the pyramids. With a height variously estimated at between
115 and 150 meters (383 - 450 ft) the Pharos lighthouse was
among the tallest man-made structures on Earth for many
centuries. It was the third tallest building after the two Great
Pyramids (of Khufu and Khafra) for its entire life. Some
scholars estimate a much taller height exceeding 180 meters that
would make the tower the tallest building up to the 14th
century. It fell in the 1300s during an earthquake, but by
that time it had been neglected for many years. The Qait
Bey fortress, named after its builder, the Mamluke Qait
Bey, who ruled Egypt between 1468 and 1496, now stands where the
lighthouse stood. (Other Qait Bey monuments include his
funerary mosque in Cairo and an ornate pilgrims' fountain near
the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.)
The Ptolemies are called the Ptolemies because all of the male
rulers of the line were called Ptolemy. During their
period there were 15 of them from Ptolemy I Soter ( = "the
savior" [of Rhodes]) to Ptolemy XV Caesar, AKA Caesarion, the
short lived son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII. All
the women were called Cleopatra, Berenike, or Arsinoe, and
some of them actually ruled, sandwiched in between the various
Ptolemies. Some of the women were co-holders of the
pharaonic throne, and some succeeded their
husband-brothers. The Ptolemies continued the incestuous
practices of their Egyptian predecessors. Throughout the
Ptolemaic period, the Ptolemies also continued the long
standing tradition of palace (harem) intrigues -- every wife
and concubine wanted her little Ptolemy to succeed to the
throne, and there were always willing priests, courtiers, and
bureaucrats to help them. See
Ptolemy I Soter had problems. They included attempts by
co-heirs to Alexander's conquest to exert primacy and nibble
at the edges of his sphere of influence, and they a they also
apparently included palace intrigues. After "saving"
Rhodes from an Antigonid grab, the people there proclaimed him
"Soter" -- more likely the title was issued by his propaganda
Diodorus of Sicily says this about the Antigonid siege of
Rhodes in his World History:
"The siege started in 305, but
Rhodes was reinforced by Cassander and Lysimachus and
especially Ptolemy. They all knew that as long as Rhodes
withstood Demetrius, they were safe. The siege lasted long
and ended in a compromise. The Rhodians promised that they
would be loyal to Antigonus and Demetrius and would support
them against all their enemies, except Ptolemy. In the
propaganda of Antigonus, this was presented as a big
victory, and Demetrius accepted the surname Poliorcetes,
'taker of cities'. Ptolemy also received an additional name:
he was called Soter, the Savior. Thus ended the siege of
Inside the palace, Ptolemy I had family problems. His eldest
legitimate son, Ptolemy Ceraunus, whose mother,
Eurydice, the daughter of Antipater, had been repudiated, fled
to the court of Ptolemy's rival, Lysimachus. In 285 BC
Ptolemy Soter made his son by Berenice, Ptolemy II
Philadelphus, his co-regent. Ptolemy I Soter died in 283 at the age of
84. He left to Ptolemy II Philadelphus a compact and
well-ordered realm at the end of forty years of war. By the
time he died he was popular with his Greek soldiers and
bureaucrats and had done much to win keep the native Egyptian
population on his side. He was a ready patron of letters,
founding the Great Library of Alexandria. He himself
wrote a history of Alexander's campaigns that has not
survived. For centuries his history was considered an
objective work, distinguished by its straightforward honesty
and sobriety. More cynical modern historians believe
that Ptolemy may have exaggerated his own role, and had
propagandist aims in writing his History. Although now lost,
it was a principal source for the surviving account of
Alexander's life by Arrian of Nicomedia.
For more
on Ptolemy I Soter, see
The Ptolemaic city of Alexandria was a great success,
particularly after its North African rival, Carthage, was
reduced by the Romans in the Punic Wars. In its later
years of independence (i.e., before the Roman conquest) it
supplied needed commodities to the Roman armies that were
romping around further north in the Middle East.
Alexandria's wide avenues, public buildings. and palaces
brought the city good publicity, and it became a tourist
attraction much as it is now. It was also the only
gateway to a more ancient attractions deeper in Egypt.
The Museion and Library made Alexandria one of the first
international university cities: the Ptolemies easily
attracted (stole) "professors" from other Mediterranean seats
of learning by offering grants, lodgings, and tax exemptions.
How do you solve the problem of competing religious
beliefs? What do you do if the bosses (Greeks) and the
people (Egyptians) have whole different sets of gods? In
Egypt the answer was always the same: invent a new god
that combines the attributes of of gods of both groups.
We've already seen examples of how that works: gods of
neighboring nomes get together and soon a child is born.
The new offspring completes the triad and together they head
the new local religion. The Ptolemies, of course had the
larger problem of working with two complete "national"
pantheons. Their solution was "Serapis", and it worked
like this. There already was an Egyptian Serapis, itself
a fusion the Ser (Osiris in Greek) and Apis mythologies.
The Babylonian god Serapsi, a sea god who could easily be
confused with the Greek Poseidon or Roman Neptune, was the
Greek contribution. The two pronged spear that Serapsi
carried looked somewhat like the horns of the Apis bull.
Put a solar disk between the two prongs, add a (much disputed)
mention of Serapsi in Alexander's death scene and a convenient
dream by Ptolemy I and a purloined statue of Serapsi from
Sinope and two pliant religious scholars (one Greek and one
Egyptian) and an equally pliant an superstitious public and,
all together, you have a new Serapis that everyone can
like. A huge new Alexandria Serapion with a subsidized
priesthood along with revitalization of the Egyptian Ser-Apis
cult also with a subsidized priesthood made the picture
complete: religious unity. Wait. There's
more. In the new religion, Serapis is married to Isis,
and, to complete the Ptolemaic triad, they have a son called
Harpocrates, which is, in Egyptian, Har-pa-khered or
Heru-pa-khered meaning "Har, the Child". Har/Heru, of course,
being the Egyptian word for Horus). For more
on the subject, see
New Ptolemaic art forms commemorated the Ptolemies. Cameos
were popular in Greece as early as the 6th century BC and
later in Rome, but they never aroused any popular sentiment in
Egypt. There was, in fact, little contact between the
Greek superstructure of the Ptolemies and the Egyptian
population. The Ptolemies continued their internal
intrigues and their external rivalries with other Hellenic
successor states, but had little direct impact on the outside
world. They had one more brush with "history", and it
was disastrous.
Cleopatra VII was at the center of Egypt's last independent
fling, but first it's necessary to look at some of a
representative sample of what Ptolemaic Egypt produced in art
an imagery. Note that Cleo is wearing the Egyptian uraeus and early Greek
hairstyle in the first image. She's pure Egyptian (and
almost erotic) in the second. In the third, she has a has a
later Greek hairstyle, and she is wearing in her hair the
Greek ribbon diadem that was introduced by Alexander and
became a symbol of kingship throughout the
Mediterranean. (Caesar's assassins accused him of
getting supporters to hang diadems on his statue in the
Perhaps the most important artifact of Ptolemaic Egypt, as far
as we are concerned, is this stone found in reuse in Rosetta
by Napoleons troops. From the ancient Egyptian
viewpoint, it was just another puff piece produced by Memphis
priests in 196 BC to commemorate the first anniversary of the
beginning of the reign of Ptolemy V Epiphanes.
In societies that respect their dead, graves and grave goods
are left untouched, they are finally dug up and touched by
later freebooters called archeologists. But the
Egyptians had no real compunctions about plundering the graves
of earlier generations -- each individual just wanted his own
mummy to last forever. We are left with empty graves,
but they can still provide much information. Some of the
big Ptolemaic necropolises around Alexandria have been
partially excavated. There are, as one would expect,
extravagant and simple graves reflecting the spread of the
layers of society. Some districts of the necropolises
house large Individual and family graves, and some have
communal graves where repose individuals with some form of
relationship that is not necessarily familial -- burial
societies with members sharing common work became common in
later years. In all the Ptolemaic necropolises, Greek
cremation was practiced almost to the exclusion of
mummification. The second image shows a section of a
large cemetery "discovered" while a road to the western port
was being built. A preservation dig was launched to
study the graves and eventually this section was bridged
over. But the greatest part of the cemetery is under the
apartment buildings and will probably never be scientifically
excavated -- it was already excavated once with bulldozers and
power shovels during the construction of the apartments.
It's unlikely that this is any great loss. The locations
of the necropolises have been known for centuries -- ancient
maps exist -- and a representative sample has been/will be dug
up and studied.
There are also large necropolises in the interior where local
Ptolemaic officials and bureaucrats had their tombs. One
of the largest and most interesting is at Hermopolis, ancient
Khmun about half way between Cairo and Luxor on the west side
of the Nile -- the third image has an inset location
map. Hermopolis got its name because the Greeks said
that Hermes was the same as Khmun's patron god, Thoth, the
Ibis-headed or baboon-headed god of the scribes, who took
notes during the weighing of the heart after death. The
small part of the huge Khmun/Hermopolis necropolis that has
been excavated has produced some interesting tombs and
relics. Some Greek tombs have typical Nile River
agricultural scenes, but all the people in them are wearing
Greek rather than Egyptian clothing. A later Roman
period tomb (third image) repeats the same pattern.
Isadore, for whome the tomb was built, is displayed under
glass inside. The second image shows part of the huge
system of catacombs in the necropolis. More than
three kilometers have been explored, but few of the side
passages have been penetrated. Some of the best faience
work ever discovered has been recovered in the tombs and
catacombs. Whole sections of the catacombs were found to
contain more than a million mummified ibises and thousands of
mummified baboons, apparently votive offerings to Thoth.
All the ibises and all but one of the baboons were stolen,
sold, or destroyed in the years 18th, 19th, and 20th century
tourist rush (but there are probably more in unopened parts of
the catacombs. The remaining baboon is in a sealed glass
box in the catacombs. (C.f.:
Any museum that couldn't afford a human mummy probably has one
or more of the ibises. The odds are that they are
fakes. But al least they are authentic ancient
fakes. The ancient local ibis mummy industry mass
produced pre-wrapped ibis mummies for the ancient priests to
sell to ancient adherents of the Thoth cult. The
believer was lucky if there was any little bit of an ibis in
the bundle. Similar ancient scams were carried out with
cats in Bubastis in the delta and with crocodiles at
Elephantine Island and at Crocodilopolis in the Fayum.
We shouldn't be surprised that modern Egyptian souvenirs might
be made in China or Bangladesh -- complete with Egyptian
authenticating labels and hallmarks.
The ancient Alexandria library was justly famous, and it
attracted scholars and lecturers from around the
Mediterranean. It actually was ore of a university than
a simple library although it did have a vast array of written
manuscripts. Alexander and his generals were great
manuscript thieves and took the collected works of the cities
they conquered, many of which ended up at the museion.
Properly speaking, the museion was a temple dedicated to the
muses and the "librarians" were all priests of the
temple. The museion was certainly the best known of the
Mediterranean learning centers and almost certainly held the
largest manuscript collection in the ancient western
world. According to ancient sources, about 50 thousand
scrolls burned when Caesar set fire to his ships and the port,
but there is no contemporary evidence that it ever happened,
nor is there any evidence to back the story that Mark Antony
replenished the stock with 100 thousand scroll he allegedly
"liberated" from Pergamum. Christians under Patriarch
Theophilis were also blamed for destroying the library in 391
AD, but the accounts of his general destruction of temples
makes no mention of the library. And why not blame it on
the Muslims? According to Christian propagandists writing in
1663 a Muslim army destroyed the library in 642. That
story was debunked by other Christians as early as 1713, but
the myth persists. So no evidence of any particular
destruction of the library exists. It is clear, however, that by the 8th
century, the Library was no longer a significant institution
and had ceased to function in any important capacity.
Alexandria was never a major research center for the Islamic
world. Moreover, if the collection had survived to the early
700s, it would very likely have been incorporated into the
library of the Al-Azhar mosque (and later university) in
Cairo. This collection has come down to the present intact,
but does not include Alexandrine texts. The new
Bibliotheca Alexandrina (
opened on October 16, 2002.
In 2004, a Polish-Egyptian team found what they believe is a
part of the Library while excavating in the Bruchion region of
Alexandria just west of the new Alexandrina at the eastern
edge of the east bay. The archaeologists unearthed thirteen
lecture rooms, each with a central podium. One of the rooms is
in the second image. Zahi Hawass, the president of
Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, said that all
together, the rooms uncovered so far could have seated 5000
students; the picture thus presented is most certainly of a
fairly massive research institution, especially for that time.
Egyptian archeological studies have often been advanced by
discovery of re-used architectural elements.
Although the Ptolemies did little that has impressed us
politically, their art was up to the standard of previous
Egyptian eras.
Ancient Roman statues often had interchangeable wigs.
This Egyptian statue of Arsinoe II was shaped to take
interchangeable crowns.
Rome managed to hold on to its Egyptian possessions until the
capital of its empire shifted to Constantinople in the 320s
AD. Within 150 years, major pieces had slipped away
under the Byzantines.
The image that Americans of a certain age have of Cleopatra
are controlled by the stars that portrayed her in movies.
The men in Cleo's life -- and death. The first image is
Julius, who gave her a child, a house in Trastevere, and a
quick exit from Rome when he was assassinated. One of
the reasons for his assassination was his affair with Cleo
which scandalized Rome. The second image is Octavian who
later became Augustus and ruled an empire greater than that of
Alexander after he defeated Cleo and Mark Antony. The
third is Antony who gave her two sons and a daughter and whose
own suicide led to her rendezvous with the asp. The
fourth is Agrippa who really won all of Octavian's battles for
him. Agrippa was slated to be the successor of Augustus,
but Augustus lived a longer than normal life and outlived
Agrippa and several other heirs apparent.
As did her predecessors, Cleopatra adopted the garb that would
please the audience. Several of her portrait busts and
statues show that she was no raving beauty, so what was her
attraction for the roman generals? Part of it would have
been the lure of the exotic -- check out her tight transparent
gown in the second image. But there was also the fact
that, with the help of the Roman generals, she could control
one of the wealthiest granaries in the area. A young
rich woman in exotic clothes might just be what a war weary
general was looking for.
The battle of Actium is remembered as a sea battle, but land
maneuvers had set it up. Octavian's forces under General
Agrippa had bottled up the forces of Antony on the Actium
promontory, the southern of two peninsulae that sheltered the
Gulf of Ambracia where the fleet of Antony was riding with
that of Cleopatra. Eventually, to escape starvation, the
fleets of Antony and Cleopatra tried to run through Admiral
Agrippa's naval blockade. (Yes, the same Agrippa.)
Cleopatra and part of her fleet slipped past the southern end
of the blockade, but Antony's fleet was trapped. Instead
of leading his fleet into honorable defeat, Antony turned his
flagship off the line and fled behind Cleopatra.
Antony's fleet was defeated, and the remnant of the fleet
along with his land forces not only surrendered but joined the
forces of Octavian: they were disgusted with Antony's
desertion. Antony and Cleopatra fled to Alexandria
followed by Octavian and the now combined fleets and
armies. Antony and Cleopatra could not muster an
effective defensive force, and Alexandria was soon
taken. Their suicides ended their drama, but there were
a few more loose ends. Cleopatra's son by Julius Caesar,
though still a child, had been Cleopatra's co-pharaoh and had
to be eliminated to end both the Ptolemaic Egyptian line and
to prevent him from potentially becoming a pawn for Octavian's
enemies. Her three children with Antony were spared and
brought back to Rome where they were put in the care of
Octavia, who was Octavian's sister and Antony's Roman wife and
who, now a widow, was living in Octavian's household. The two
boys disappeared and it's assumed they were
Daughter of Cleopatra VII was Cleopatra Selene, sometimes
listed as Cleopatra VIII. Eventually Octavian married
her off to Juba II, a Numidian prince/hostage, with whom she
had apparently fallen in love. Together, Cleo Selene and
Juba II founded the successful North African Mauritanian
metropolis of Caesaria (now Cherchell, Algeria).
are only a few well attested statues of Cleopatra VII
anywhere. After her defeat the Romans systematically
destroyed them in a process called damnatio memoriae, damnation of the
memory. There are plenty of modern Cleopatra's, however,
including the movie Cleos in the second image and the "dirty
pictures" kind that masqueraded as "art with a classical
theme" in the drawing rooms of the rich in the 19th and early
20th centuries. The fourth image has a very
authentic looking Ptolemaic temple in the background. It
was done by Alexandre Cabanel school of art called L'art
Pompier (fireman art), because the helmets of Greek and Roman
soldiers, who sometimes appeared in the pictures, so closely
resembled the helmets of Parisian firemen.
Cleo went to the movies several times. neither Claudette
Colbert nor Theda Bara needed the eye makeup that Elizabeth
Taylor wore.
The ancient Romans did in Alexandria what ancient Romans did
wherever they went, but with just enough local flavor to keep
the indegenes happy. And besides, after a short period
of anti-Egyptian propaganda associated with the war against
Antony and Cleopatra, ancient Roman Egyptianisme became de rigueur again tout de suite -- like
mixing French in with English to sound educated.
Roman temples in Egypt were built on the Ptolemaic
model. This small one is in the Metropolitan Museum in
New York.
When far from home, the Romans liked to have a little
something to remind them of home and of who they really
were. This terracotta sex toy, found in the Fayum
(ubfortunately incomplete), nicely filled the requirement.
And they liked background music.
The Romans had a tradition of funerary ancestor masks long
befor they went into Egypt. They often were molded life
masks or death masks and they were worn or carried in Roman
funerals. In Egypt, that tradition merged with the old
Egyptian and newer Ptolemaic traditions of placing a mask on
the mummy. Many Roman death rituals ended in cremations,
but among Roman Christians and Roman Isis worshippers
mummification and interment were more common. (We'll get to
the Roman Isis worshippers in a little bit.)
In the Fayum during the Roman period, a tradition developed of
wrapping wood panel portraits painted mostly in encaustic
(i.e., beeswax as the medium to apply the pigment) into the
outer layer of mummy wrappings over the fave of the
deceased. In other oases, fully modeled cartonage masks
continued to be used and many, especially from the Bahariyya
Oasis are covered in gold leaf, which indicates the wealth of
those communities. The third image shows Zahi Hawass
with what he has described as the most beautiful mummy ever
excavated in Egypt. (I'd hope he's actually talking
about the case.) (
Isis worship was reinvigorated by the Romans and was taken by
the Roman armies as far away from Egypt as an Isis temple at
Hadrian's wall in England. The Isis of the Romans,
however had little in common with the first Egyptian Isis who
was the personification of the throne (or, more figuratively,
support) of the pharaoh. That wasn't much of a problem,
however, because the Egyptians were accustomed to
metamorphosis of their gods -- even the Egyptian Isis was no
longer as much Throne as she was Hathor. On he first
image we see Isis moving through her Egyptian and classical
phases, and in the second we see Isis as a full round Roman
statue with Hathor's sistrum and jug, the Egyptian uraeus in
her forehead and nothing indicating the source of her name,
which literally meant throne.
The Trajan Kiosk, a small Isis temple in the Philae Isis
temple comlex, and the large Isis temple in Sabratha, west of
Tripoli in Rome's Tripolitania North African province.
Image: used with kind permission of AncientVine -- see for more from this great site.)
worship was very popular in Pompeii and in other towns in the
Roman Campania where it may have been introduced by Greek
seamen, who took to Isis worship early on, or by Egyptian
merchants -- the Bay of Naples was the entrepot for Rome's
foreign trade including trade with Egypt. The reason we
know of the populaarity of Isis in Pompeii is that hers was
the only big temple that had been quickly and completely
rebuilt between the time of the eartquakes that almost
destroyed the city in the early 60s AD and the final
destruction by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. All
the other temples were either only partially restored or not
restored at all. Isis worship, in fact, may have led to
the ignorance of the Pompeians of the danger under which they
lived. The local (i.e., non-Isis) mythology of the
region around Pompeii and Neapolis was mostly Greek, and it
spoke of the burial of the rebellious Giant Mimas under Mt.
Soma by Haephestos, a Greek fire god -- Soma was one name of
pre-Eruption Vesuvius. When Mimas was restless,
earthquakes and eruptions resulted. As reinforcement of
the myth, the brother of Mimas, another rebellious giant named
Encelados, was said to be burried under the perennially
erupting Mt. Etna in Sicily. It's often said, by the way
that the Romans had no word for volcano and so were ignorant
of the dangers of Vesuvius. neither part of that is
true. Roman scholars were aware that Vesuvius was
volcanic, and they had adopted a perfectly good Greek word to
use for volcano, that word being "etna". At any rate,
although Roman scholars might have known all about the dangers
of the volcano, the common folks around its base were unaware,
having forgotten their local mythology when they took up with
that foreign goddess, Isis.
Nor much is really known about Roman Isis Ritual. All we
have are a few frescoes taken from the inside walls of
the Isis temple in Pompeii and some suspicious
tunnels leading under that Isis temple in Sabratha. No
"villa of the mysteries" has been found to match the one
outside of Pompeii that apparently showed the initiation rite
of the Dionysian mystery cult. Nor did the religion
become so widespread and dominant that large the mysteries
ceased to be mysterious as happened with Christianity.
Isis worship, Mithraism, and the religion of the Eleusian
mysteries, died without revealing their secrets. However
---- there are several modern Isis religions that claim
to have either new revelations of to have unlocked the old
secrets. Unless one becomes an initiate, there is no way
to know whether they are authentic.
From the time of Augustus until all the temples were
suppressed by Gratian and Theodosius in the latter half of the
4th century AD, a large temple of Isis, the Iseum Campense,
stood just three blocks from the Pantheon in Rome's Campus
Martius. There were occasional persecutions which
intensified after Constantine's Edict of Milan, which
ostensibly allowed all religions to function in Rome's
empire. In 380, Theodosius issued the Edict of
Thessalonika which called for the closing of all non Christian
religious sites, but it wasn't until 536 AD that the emperor
Justinian (483-565) ordered the closing of the last temple of
Isis, situated in the island of Philae on the Nile at the
borders with the Nubia, and made it turn into a Christian
church. The plan plan of the Iseum Campense is well delimited,
and several of the obelisks that graced its front court still
ornament the city: one is the centerpiece of the fountain
right in front of the Pantheon and another stands on the back
of Bernini's famous Elephant in front of Santa Maria Sopra
Minerva, just behind and to the left of the Pantheon.
When it was in operation it was a big temple and was clearly
well funded either by rich donors or by a large
There's a good chance that Isis is still in Rome. Donna
Lucrezia is one of the famous "talking statues", on which
social and political doggerel has been hung for
centuries. She's stands at the northwest corner of
Piazza San Marco a bit west of the doors of the San Marco
church. She's about three meters tall -- and that's
obviously only the top part of a once bigger statue. She
has a scar on her forehead where an euraeus might once have
been displayed and wears the robes characteristic of the
priestesses of Isis. But her robe is undone, and her left
breast is exposed as if to give suck. Perhaps to the young
Horus? She sure looks a lot like an Isis, and an Isis
this size might well be the cult statue from the Iseum
Finally, there is one more syncretism. The image
shows a 2end century AD Egyptian terracotta figurine of
Isis-Hath or-Aphrodite from the collection of the Metropolitan
Museum in New York. Its exact provenance is
unknown. She is certainly Isis-Hath or: the front of her
crown is decorated with her horns and solar disk. But
he's also the Greek Aphrodite with here exaggerated calathos
headgear. Identification of Isis-Hathor with
Aphrodite-Venus was a common belief of second century Egypt.
More syncretism.